St. Martinusstraat 5

5911 CJ Venlo

general address

Liability and damage

In our society and in law the basic principle is that everyone bears their own loss or damage. There are many examples of this: if you become ill or if you drop your antique vase, etc. Liability means that someone other than the person who suffers damage must compensate for this damage. It is therefore a deviation from the main rule because the damage is in fact 'transferred' to another person. This transfer of the damage can only be justified if there is a good legal basis for it, such as the law, traffic rules, or a contractual term.

Significant developments have taken place in this field of law in recent years, such as liability for nervous shock. It is important for you to know what your liability position is, and for which damage you can be held liable. We can support you in this. If you have any questions related to liability law, please contact Jos Bloo.

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