St. Martinusstraat 5

5911 CJ Venlo

general address

Privacy statement



Meulenkamp advocaten (MA) processes personal data in accordance with the law. MA respects the privacy of persons about whom it receives information and treats the information in the strictest confidence. In this privacy statement we explain what personal data MA processes and for what purposes. We advise you to read this privacy statement carefully.

Rules of conduct for the legal profession

Pursuant to the law and rules of conduct, MA and its lawyers and employees are obliged to maintain confidentiality and MA will take appropriate measures to maintain confidentiality in the communication with the client or third parties.

The controller

The controller responsible for the processing of personal data is the professional partnership MA.

Processing of personal data

(i) MA processes the following personal data in the context of its relationship with its clients:

1. First name and surname of natural persons

2. Name of the company and the persons MA is in contact with

3. Address

4. E-mail address

5. Date of birth

6. ID number

7. Telephone number/fax number

8. Profession

(ii) MA also processes personal and other data provided by non-clients, such as in the context of applications, work placements, suppliers, etc.


MA processes the aforementioned personal data for the following purposes:

1. Processing the client's file.

2. The use of the data in the context of the purpose for which they were provided.

3. Invitations for seminars, workshops, meetings, etc. organized by MA.


MA also processes employee personal data in the context of the employment contract and on the basis of legal principles. With regard to the processing of employees' personal data, a separate privacy statement is provided to these employees.

Third parties

We do not share received personal data or other data with third parties, unless:

1. insofar as this is justified by the correct performance of the task assigned to MA;

2. insofar as the provider does not object to this on request; and

3. insofar as this is in accordance with good professional practice.

E-mail messages

MA will only use your e-mail address for the purposes described above.

Website and cookies

MA uses functional and analytical cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your computer, tablet, or smartphone the first time you visit our website. MA only uses functional cookies. These ensure that the website works properly, for example, your preferred settings can be remembered and help us to make the website work properly. This allows us to optimize our website. You can unsubscribe from cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information previously stored in your browser settings. For further explanation see:

Retention period

We will not retain your personal data longer than is reasonably necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data are processed and in accordance with the legal retention obligation. All your personal data will be destroyed once this period expires.

Security measures for processors

  1. MA has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.
  2. MA does not use the services of third parties for the processing of personal data.

Right of access, correction, or addition, deletion of data, limitation of processing, and objection

You have a number of legal rights with respect to the access to, correction or supplementation, deletion of data, limitation of processing, and right of objection to data that MA has about you. Below we explain these rights and how you can exercise them against us.


(i) Right of access

At your request, we will inform you in writing whether we process personal data about you.

(ii) Correction or supplementation

If you have received access to the processing of your personal data, you can ask us to correct inaccuracies or to complete incomplete information. We substantiate our response. If we make corrections, you will receive a supplementary statement from us.

(iii) Deletion of data

You can request MA to delete your personal data in our systems.

(iv) Restriction of processing

If you have reported an inaccuracy or incompleteness in your personal data to us, you can ask us to limit the processing as we process your request. You may also ask us to limit the processing of your data if you believe that we are processing your data unlawfully or no longer need them or if you have objected to their further processing. Upon receipt of your request for restriction, we will only process your data with your consent or for important reasons (such as legal proceedings).


You may object at any time to the processing of personal data relating to you.

Exercising rights

If you wish to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you can contact the board in writing. Upon your request, MA will make a decision within four weeks, unless we let you know within that period that we need more time. If your personal data are processed on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent. Any withdrawal of your consent is without prejudice to any prior processing based thereon.


If you have a complaint about the use of your personal data, you can submit it to the professional partnership MA. We also refer you to the complaints procedure with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This body is competent to have jurisdiction of your complaint.

Questions and additional information

If you have any further questions, please send an e-mail with your question to the professional partnership MA.

Concluding statement

This privacy statement is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We reserve the right to update this privacy statement periodically. The latest version will be published on our website (

(Version: August 2018 version)

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