St. Martinusstraat 5

5911 CJ Venlo

general address

Construction law and property law

Construction law

Construction law is characterized by major financial interests and complex contracts, general terms and conditions, and government regulations, both at Dutch and European level.

As a contractor or as the client of a construction project, it is very important that you know your legal position well before the start of a project and also monitor it during its progress. We assist you during contract negotiations, in drafting or assessing contracts, and in resolving disputes.

For construction matters, please contact Margo van Nisselroij or Jan van den Heuvel.

Property law

Property law is a wide-ranging field of law. It includes environmental law (e.g. zoning plans, environmental permits), the purchase and sale of property, letting and leasing, project development, and cooperation agreements with other parties.

We also provide advice and, if necessary, litigation in the field of limited rights, such as easements, long-term leases, building and planting rights, and apartment rights in which we have built up many years of experience.

For questions about this legal field, please contact Margo van Nisselroij or Henri Wolters.

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